Showing posts with label back-beans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label back-beans. Show all posts

Natural blends to get rid of the back-beans

The back-beans is considered to be one of the most common problems that bother a lot of girls skin, It is causing much pain on the skin. There are many reasons of this problem especially sensitivity of the skin toward some food.

Here are some natural blends to get ride of this pills:
Tomato mask:

Tomato mask is an effective mask to get rid of the pills; it contains a large proportion of vitamins A and C. All you have to do is to put tomato juice on the affected area and let it half an hour and then washed with cold water.
Blend of Mix rose water and lemon:

Mix equal two quantities of rose water and lemon juice together and then put it on affected area ,leave them until the morning and then wash it with water.
Cinnamon and honey mask:

Did you know that cinnamon works as an antidote of bacteria that cause the grain. Mix the mixture well and put it back on the affected point and leave it for 15 minutes then wash it with cold water.

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