Learn a very beautiful blend that would make your nails longer naturally .
Nails need a special permanent care as they are very sensitive.also they need a very special kind of food that would help them taking their own natural color.
Today we are going to show you how to make some natural blends that would make Your nails brighter and longer in A natural way
The first blend:
The olive oil blend nourishes the nail because it contains the E vitamin which improve the blood circulation and help nails to be stronger.
how to use this blend:
Put your nails 30 minutes in the olive oil and repeat it once a week.
Orange juice blend:
Orange juice is an essential source of vitamin C, which helps in the production of collagen and keeps the nails healthy.
How to use the blend:
Put your nails in a small container of orange juice and left them for 10 minutes. repeat it as possible as you can and you will see an amazing results.
06:01 - By Prof-document/مدونة وثائق الاستذ