Showing posts with label Natural recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural recipes. Show all posts

3 ways to lose weight naturally and quickly.

All of us knows that getting weight makes body loses its agility ,thus we have to do something to get rid of this big problem,most of people suffering from this problem doing some ways to solve the problem but they ignore that these ways may make some another problem that are bigger,today we are going to show you some way solve naturally this problems ,in fact they are some natural recipes and blends that have no side-effects on our body:
The first recipe is the blend of Vinegar and honey:
It is one Of the most famous natural blends  of weight loss and fat burning.
Try to mix vinegar of apple and white honey, then  add to them a cup warm water, and make sure to drink a cup of this blend after each meal.
The second recipe:
Lemons with water blend:
In order to prepare this recipe , take two cups of water with a cup of lemon juice, and mix them,
try to a cup of this blend directly after waking up so that  it will work to burn fat quickly.
The third recipe:
Parsley blend:
Boil 3 cups of water and add 3 cloves of garlic with suitable  quantity of parsley  , mix the  three and leave them  half an hour and try to drink on samall cup after each meal.

Natural recipes for pink lips

There is no doubt that most of beautiful women have a beautiful lips ,However, it is usually that your lips would lose their pink color  and tend to be darkening over time as a result of frequent exposure to the sun and drink tea and coffee and the accumulation of dead cells on them.
All these are from the important reason that make your lips lose their natural color ,
Today we are going to show you some of the most useful recipes that would help your lips recovers its color.
First of all we have to know that natural recipes composed of some natural plants and oils are better than any drugs or cosmetics because these recipes would save both your health and your money too.
The first recipe and blend is:
The blend of turmeric powder and milk is effective natural recipes for beauty of lips , all what to do is to mix a little turmeric powder with a spoonful of ice-cold milk until you get a paste and then rub your lips with it and let it for five minutes, repeat this process every day and then you will Observe that the color of your lips have become tilted to the red color.
The first recipe and blend is:
White honey is one of the most famous natural materials that take care of the skin  health  in general, also it is one of a famous solutions of darkening of lips.
All what you have to do  striving  daily to pass a layer of it on your lips before going to sleep . Honey would automatically regenerate the skin cells and lighten the color of your lips perfectly .

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